Medical & Dental

Discussions in relation to medical pay, terms and conditions take place in a number of fora at UK, Scottish, and local level. In relation to the discussions at Scottish level MSG forms the management side in any bi-lateral or multi-lateral pay bargaining events.

Scottish employers also work with SGHD and the other UK Health Departments and employers from across the UK on medical pay issues. In recent years Scottish employers have significantly increased their level of involvement in medical pay issues both at Scottish and overall UK level.

Further information on the various medical contracts and current developments in this area are shown below


Consultant Contract, PMT Letters, Review of Distinction Awards and Discretionary Points, SACDA Reports, Reshaping the Medical Workforce

Junior Doctors

Terms and Conditions of Service and Associated Documents, GP Registrars – Directions, Flexible Training, Review of Junior Doctors Contract, Partnership Working

Scottish Public Dental Service

Contractual Arrangements General Dental Service, Contract Arrangement Community Dental Service and Review of Salaried Dentists Service.

Specialty Doctors & New Specialist Doctor

Terms and Conditions of Service for both the Specialty Doctor and new Specialist Doctor grades in NHS Scotland along with Salary Pay Points, SAS FAQS and Summary of SAS Contract.