Role & Remit


MSG is a sub group of Board Chief Executives for Employers and Scottish Government to discuss workforce issue within NHS Scotland, particularly pay and terms and conditions, and workforce sustainability.  

MSG manages the relationships and negotiations with Trade Unions and Professional Bodies at both, a Scottish and UK Level, across staff covered by Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions of Service and Medical and Dental Terms and Conditions of Service, recognising that leadership on pay and terms and conditions is provided by the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care, who ultimately determines pay and terms and conditions of service for NHS Staff in Scotland.

MSG is important in providing a vehicle for a corporate employer voice through a partnership between employers and Scottish Government, and informs discussions and negotiations with Trade Unions through the partnership structures in NHS Scotland, the Scottish Partnership Forum (SPF), the Scottish Workforce and Governance Group (SWAG), and the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC).


  1. To provide a forum where workforce policies, and related pay determination objectives can be discussed between NHS Scotland employers and Scottish Government; this may also be done by sub sets of MSG meeting with Scottish Government on specific issues.
  2. To act as a conduit for pay and terms and conditions of service and employment matters where a collective perspective is required, determine recommended approaches and ensure implementation of agreements across NHS Boards and monitor outcomes
  3. Participate in pay and terms and conditions negotiations, seeking a common Employer/Scottish Government position through appropriate advice from employers and research where appropriate.
  4. To ensure that where employers wish to amend pay and terms and conditions, MSG provides the conduit for proposals to be raised, discussed and agreed on a multi-disciplinary basis across the professions and support staff, to inform negotiations with the Trade Unions led by Scottish Government.
  5. Ensure that where Scottish Government are proposing to amend pay and terms and conditions that the impact and resources required are fully understood, and inform negotiating positions.
  6. Ensure employer input to the partnership structures in NHS Scotland and any sub groups, provide the employer secretariat to the Scottish Terms and Conditions Committee (STAC) and the Doctors and Dentists Joint Negotiating Committee, and provide Scottish Employer input to the UK Staff Council and any sub groups.
  7. Ensure that where agreements on pay, terms and conditions and related workforce/employment policies are concluded these are implemented effectively and consistently across NHS Employers, ensuring a “Once for Scotland” approach.
  8. Provide agreed positions on pay, terms and conditions, and employment policies  to NHS Boards where concerns arise and interpretation within NHS Boards is at odds with nationally agreed positions ensuring and maintaining a “Once for Scotland” approach.

    This remit can be extended, or MSG asked to undertake specific pieces of work by employers, Scottish Government or the Cabinet Secretary.